Returns are not going to be accepted on any order.

Shipping Terms & Ancillary fees

  • All orders shipped FOB Origin
  • Method of delivery of shipment to be selected by Cycle of Protection.
  • Any additional fees related to the transportation of goods including but not limited to (such as appointment, tailgate, expedited, lumper, penalties, storage, special handling, after hours, carbon taxes, driver assist) will be the responsibility of the consignee or customer, and not Cycle of Protection. Additional charges will be billed back to the customer.
  • The full name of the person accepting delivery must be provided at the time of delivery

Order Discrepancies

Customers are responsible for verifying, at the time of receiving, that products being delivered are as per Packing List.

In the event of a discrepancy:

  • This must be noted on the Bill of Lading (B/L) and reported immediately to the driver by the receiver with full name reported
  • Customers must notify Cycle of Protection of the discrepancy within the same day of delivery. (e.g., 25 cases on Packing List, 24 received), accompanied.

***It is Important that your order acknowledgements are reviewed and if any changes are required, Cycle of Protection Customer Service is notified immediately.


It is the responsibility of the customer to claim all damaged items, at time of delivery.

In the Event of damaged product:

  • The customer must refuse the goods, note their comments on the Bill of Lading (B/L), and communicate to the driver.
  • In order to receive a credit for damaged goods, the affected products must be returned to the driver. If a written claim is not made on the B/L, Cycle of Protection cannot credit your account for damaged goods.

Cycle of Protection must be notified immediately of the incident, preferably with accompanying photos and a scanned copy of the signed B/L – send to PHARMACY@RONCOSAFETY.COM